Like every Filipino I, too, am faced with challenges, economic and socio-psychological. And like every Filipino here and abroad, I also asked my self; when can we be proud of being Filipino. I also have relatives abroad, from the closest of kin, distant cousins, or just relatives in name. And in the next couple of years, there is a big possibility that one of my children will also fell prey to the lure of the foreign land. I can't blame them, for many times I am almost tempted to follow the diaspora. Though I have stayed abroad, when my wife was on a university scholarship , and I like what I have seen there, the opportunities and the amenities that is so lacking here, long time ago I already have made my choice, I am definitely staying.
Staying here, and do little good things one at a time, so that soon we will have a country that we will be proud of. Here, every way may be a challenge; but far away from home, everyday is a struggle. Here, we can have all the opportunity all the time to do something we can be proud of; but from a distance we can only hoped of that someday to come when we will be of help to our fellowmen.
That might be a good story line, in reality though, when the stomach is empty, when the heart is dumb, when the mind is confused, when the spirit is desperate,.......when all the bills have attached notice 'for disconnection,' when next year means another child going to college, when a medical check-up is deliberately forgotten so that additional illness will not be discovered; to seek for greener pasture is no longer an option, it becomes a must.
Poor Philippines, when will the exodus last? When can we be proud of being a Filipino?
(next will be my wish list)
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
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